one more day,
first year at Thompson's Point Outdoor Center.
What a wonderful breath of spring! Inside, not outside, after all, it's only the last few minutes of April Fool's Day. So we'll let it pass away and take a few moments Sunday to take in a bit of Spring with a Super Capital S.
The new venue at Thompson's Point offers an expanded view of the displays and more of an opportunity to interact with them. Many offer low walls that are just the right height for seating and it is delightful to wander through the show seeing people enjoying and taking the time to relax in the midst of the wonderful exhibits. The blending of landscape exhibits and vendor booths allows for an ease of taking it all in in bits, and with a great deal more space in the aisles. Delightful.
And always the Volunteers that help make it all happen. |
Simplicity. |
Strolling through the gardens. |
Come right into my wonderful garden space. |
Found Marilyn with her skirt blowing in the wind. |
but all the tools and ideas you need to make them happen.